The Real Cause of Heartburn & Acid Reflux Most Doctors Ignore

If you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux, here's important news:

New research shows that your problems may not be caused by the reasons you think they are.

You see, most heartburn remedies only treat your symptoms. They do nothing to fix the underlying cause of acid reflux.

It's like getting a shot for a tooth cavity. It can blunt the pain for a while, but if the cavity isn't treated, the pain comes right back as soon as the shot wears off.

The same is true with acid reflux. If you don't fix what's causing the problems, your symptoms will keep coming back.

And while you would never consider getting a daily shot of a pain reliever to ease your dental discomfort, Americans will fill over 170 million prescriptions for acid blockers this year—taking them day after day.

But what you may not know is that the most popular of these acid-blocking medications, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), carry an FDA warning that they should not be used for more than 14 consecutive days or more than 42 total days over the course of a year.

Yet doctors and patients frequently ignore this warning, risking severe consequences to ease the discomfort.




The Real Cause
Acid Reflux

Ever pondered what could be the ignition source behind that unwelcome, fiery sensation known as heartburn? You're not alone. Millions around the world grapple with the same burning question, and we're here to douse those flames of uncertainty with a splash of clarity. The mystery, ladies and gentlemen, often circles back to a tiny yet mighty organ in your body — your lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

Now, let's take a heart-to-heart trip down your food pipe. Picture this: the LES is a vigilant gatekeeper between your stomach and esophagus, tasked with a crucial job. When it's working like a well-oiled machine, it opens to permit food into the stomach and then tightly seals shut to block acid from staging a rebellion in your esophagus. But, sometimes, this stalwart sentry falters. Yes, even heroes have their off days.

So, what happens when this guardian at the gate doesn't perform as it should? You guessed it. The fiery flare-up that scorches its way up your throat. This malfunction, friends, is often the underpinning of that nagging heartburn. However, you may wonder, what causes the LES to falter in its duty? Great question, and that's where the plot thickens.

While the LES is typically the common link, the puppeteer pulling the strings can differ vastly from one individual to another. Think of it as a nuanced, intricate dance influenced by an array of factors such as your genes, the food you savor, your lifestyle choices, and even certain underlying symptoms that can signal the silent cry for help from your LES.

Just as no two snowflakes are alike, no two heartburn experiences are identical. Your story is as unique as you are. Perhaps it's the late-night cheese pizza triggering your LES, or maybe it's due to your gut's natural (im)balance. Or, could it be related to medication? A specific trigger food? The key to unlocking this riddle lies in the intricacies of your personal narrative.

And that's why we input over 10,000 data points in our heartburn analysis tool to help you better pinpoint what might be going on in your situation. A roadmap to your unique heartburn story. This isn't a one-size-fits-all diagnostic tool, but a personalized journey into the intricate factors at play behind your LES malfunction. Not only will it help pinpoint the root cause of your heartburn, but it will also guide you to an effective strategy for managing it — all based on YOU.

With each click, you'll be a step closer to solving the heartburn puzzle that's unique to your body and lifestyle. Are you ready to decode your body's subtle signals and take charge of your health?

Click here to begin your journey. Let’s uncover your individual heartburn narrative and guide you towards a heartburn-free existence, because knowing is half the battle won. Lets get started...

Could This Be The Cause of Your Acid Reflux?

So How Do
I Know If I Have Low Stomach Acid?

Jonathan Wright, MD, (gut health expert and author of "Why Stomach Acid is Good For You") has stated that “In 24 years of nutritionally oriented practice, I’ve worked with thousands of individuals who’ve found the cause of their heartburn and indigestion to be low stomach acidity." He goes on to say, "When we carefully test people over age forty who are having heartburn, indigestion, and gas, over 90 percent of the time, we find inadequate acid production by the stomach."

Now we realize that 90 percent is not 100 percent of the time. And believe it or not, we actually believe that PPI medications do have their place. But the one thing we won't budge on, is our fundamental belief that they are not supposed to be long-term solutions for GERD & Acid Reflux.

To help people more accurately determine whether or not they might have low stomach acid, we have worked with our panel of advisors to devise a set of questions that can help determine the answer to that very question. Figuring this out can point you in the most accurate direction for treatment.

The quiz only takes about 3 minutes and is completely free!